Tuesday, February 23, 2016

My entry to This Little Light of Mine Contest by World of Moms in November 2015

I have only one life and I want to make the most of it! -- is my motto that keeps me going and getting excited about life each day.
I do not want to be on the death bed regretting for what could I have done in my life. I read somewhere that the other name for today is "present", and I sincerely believe that each day is a gift from the Almighty.
I am always enthusiastic and excited about what I do each day right from the time I wake up. As soon as I wake up, I thank God for the new day and hope that I remain cheerful all day and make others too in all possible ways I can. I want to dance, sing, draw, learn, laugh, read, write, cook, create, and, even fly!
No points for guessing who is the inspiration behind leading a happy life without any complaints - My angels - my children. With the birth of my two kids, I became the mother of three - with the third being the child in me. I love being silly with them, playing with them, reading to them, and forgetting that there is a world that exists outside of my life with my children. My kids give me life lessons from time to time to remain happy and hopeful, and to love life no matter what.
Quite a cliché' but I strongly believe that whatever happens, happens for good. I do not have any expectations from life. Expectations make one unhappy, acceptance does not. Always accept life as is, and never expect anything from it. There are things not in my control, so why should I worry, and if there are things in my control, then I make sure I at least try to make the situation better. I want to raise happy kids without having any other expectations of them. I don't accept my kids the way they are but I love my kids because of the way they are.
I consider my life nothing short of a movie, where I have multiple roles of being a loving wife, a doting mother, an obedient daughter, a caring friend, a smiling stranger and a compassionate human being; all at the same time. This is a foolproof method to make your life a blockbuster hit, where people will celebrate silver and golden jubilees of your life even after you get released from this world.
In her book "Robert Browning: A Reassessment in the Light of Hindu Vision", the author Arti Gupta correctly states that
"No species superior to the human species is found anywhere on this globe. Thus, birth in the human species, is exceedingly difficult to attain. It is obtained through the exceptional grace of God and it also suggests that freedom of will is denied to all except the human species."
Yes, freedom of will, and my will is to be happy and always remain so...

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, and
lots of smiles a day, keeps worries at bay!
You will always remain happy and gay,
If you learn to live, love, laugh and play!

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